National Public Safety Telecommunicator Week
By Department Chief Mike Cameron
April 9, 2018

The second week of April each year is recognized as “National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week”, bringing well deserved attention and recognition to the public safety dispatchers who are an invaluable part of the emergency response team. Assuring rapid response by fire, police and medical personnel in the midst of emergencies, the men and women who take 911 calls and send assistance are often overlooked for the critical role that they play in coordinating first response and lifesaving efforts.
Cypress Pointe Fire/Rescue relies on the Moore County 911 Staff to receive emergency calls and dispatch us and our automatic aid partners to emergencies within our district and the county. Dispatching is a highly technical and difficult job that is extremely important to the citizens and visitors of our district and vital to the success of our department. The men and women of the Moore County 911 Staff are an important part of the public safety team and can be over looked because they are not on the scene of the calls that they dispatch.
We appreciate the work that all of the telecommunicators do and the link that they provide between the emergency callers and the emergency responders.