For the second time on Monday, CPFR was dispatched to a pin-in wreck, this one was located at the intersection of Bryant Road and N.C. 24/27 in Cameron. A Moore County Sheriff's Deputy called this incident in, he came upon the wreck while enroute to another call and he also confirmed a pin-in. A second rescue was dispatched from Carthage Fire Rescue due to the pin-in. The first vehicle had three occupants, two of which had significant injuries, including the pin-in. A Landing Zone for two helicopters was established in a field within site of the wreck by Carthage Fire units. CPFR personnel used extrication equipment to remove the passenger side door of the car to gain access to the pined-in victim and then worked to remove the female patient. Moore County EMS treated and then transported both patients to the Landing Zone for transport by UNC Air Care and Valley Air to a trauma Center. One occupant of the vehicle refused treatment on-scene and the occupant of the second vehicle was uninjured. The N.C. Highway Patrol is investigating this incident. |